Following any energy work, we strongly advise that all clients incorporate a means of maintaining their own spiritual hygiene. This reduces the likelihood of future attachments or ailments and helps promote an improved state of personal well-being.
To be spiritually grounded, one has to have a solid and sustainable connection to Mother Earth. Being ungrounded for a long period of time can lead to negative side effects.
We are more at ease and have clearer, positive thoughts when fully grounded. This enables us to handle day to day and stressful situations in a more constructive manner with greater clarity of thought and action.
Spiritual grounding connects one’s physical body energetically to that of Mother Earth. This can be achieved by visualising roots penetrating the ground into the core of Mother Earth, connecting to her energy.
Envision this energy coursing through your body, starting from your feet working its way upwards simply by making physical contact with the ground.
Being grounded helps overcome
Feelings of Disconnection
Difficulty Concentrating / Forgetfulness
Dizziness / Being light-headed
Feeling nervous and/or clumsy
The burning of Sage or Paulo Santo is a powerful way of clearing yourself and the space around you. Set the intention that any and all negative energy will be removed whilst smudging.
It helps release any negative energy attached to yourself or within the home. This can also be applied to specific objects
It removes bacteria from the air
It improves mood and can reduce stress and anxiety
It reduces symptoms of depression
It can help boost cognition and energy levels
It is recommended that smudging is also conducted
when purchasing second hand items - to clear them of the previous owner's energy
prior to moving into a new home
after an argument
when the atmosphere feels 'heavy'
Protection of our energy is vital in maintaining our auric field.
The human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body and operates through a range of vibrating energy frequencies (chakras).
To protect ourselves from unseen psychic energies that exist in the universe the human aura is our shield and first line of defence. If the aura is working to its best potential, then the protection it offers us is usually adequate.
However, should their aura become weakened then we are susceptible to attack from other negative energies that do exist beyond the physical dimensions of time and space.
The aura is naturally strong and in normal circumstances does not need to be looked after or strengthened but under certain conditions it can become weaker.
We can protect our energetic field via a simple visualisation whereby we place ourselves and those we love in a protective bubble of energy. The intention must be made that it is impenetrable to any unwanted or negative energies.
We can always request assistance from our guides or deity that we may pray to to boost this protection when we know that we are going into an uncomfortable or unfamiliar place or situation.
A fun method for children is for them to image themselves as being their favourite superhero and knowing that the bad guys cannot get to them because of their special powers.
They can even image themselves wearing a cloak of invisibility, so they cannot be 'seen' by the bad guys.
Further helpful methods can be found by clicking